Originally the companies thesis for advertising and catalogue photos were supposed to be real life workers for the company, without make-up in a basic fashion and this I thought was a great thing. Real life people looking like, real life people. Alas when the company got popular (about two or three years ago), the ad campaigns got more professional and more sex based. I get that sex, controversy and shock sells, of course they do but how pathetic do they think the public really is? Personally, I feel a little perverted looking at them.
Following are some clips of recent and old ad campaigns by American Apparel:

I think my biggest issue with the campaigns is that I love American Apparel. I have ever since I first found them. I always recommended them to my friends for cost effective, well made, ethnically reliable basics. I used to describe them to my friends as the Marks and Spencers for a younger generation, then they went all retro, which was fine, as the basics were still great but now with perverse advertising campaigns, it all seems a little shocking on purpose, which makes me not want to like them, which almost seems churlish. But what can you do when a company which once had a brilliant ethics then goes for the cheap shot?
Axl and I saw an ad for coffee on the underground which is a woman in a white wet dress standing in a fountain... what's that got to do with coffee, I guess the only good thing is that it got us to look at it and remember it.
I think overtly sexual advertising is lazy yawwwnnn.
I agree.
cheap shots, they are.
but thier prices aren't so cheap anymore!
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