Friday, October 30, 2015

Joining the Gym

It's Halloween at the Gym, everyone is dressed up, it's very bizarre!
Today I joined the gym, my work offer a discounted rate and it's right downstairs and classes are included, who could say no!

The only really worrying factor is that all of the ladies at work constantly tell me how they've all gained weight since they moved offices. I'm trying to lose weight, bearing in mind that 80% of my clothes don't fit me currently. Although, my new office is surrounded by sweets, chocolate, cakes, etc., no wonder they've all suffered the same fate.

Not me though, I'm going to go to the gym, expel my energy and fit back into my clothes. I hope.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

34.4% Fat

I had my induction today. I mainly want to increase my cardio "aka running ability", tone up and become flexible. I was publicly weighed (if I did embarrassment, I could have died) I weigh 10St 13lbs, the heaviest I've ever been, no wonder my zips and buttons groan under the pressure my wobbly body applies to them. And I have 34.4% fat in my hands, apparently! Which may explain why I've been suffering from 'fat fingers' while I type and hit two keys at once! Who knew fat in your hands was a thing and what if you actually suffer from fat hands but have a thin everything else, surely that is a thing!

I explained what I was hoping to gain from their torture chamber, so he started arranging loads of weight machine exercises, etc., say what?! I've never looked, let alone done any of these before. I'm not convinced but we shall see, who knows?! I'm open to options.

Friday, October 09, 2015

New Job


I’m unsure how I feel about it.
In the past four weeks, I have had various interviews with agencies and companies, most notably:

For a famous family which required a NDA to be signed for the interview, I’ve probably already said too much!
For an investment company which was nice but I totally failed the tests, however they liked me and wanted a second interview, which is super nice.
For another investment firm that had a double act interview me, I wasn’t keen on this and it came through the agency I didn’t really like. I had such pleasure telling him that I’d been offered a job elsewhere when he tried to let me down gently, jerk!
And then for the company who have offered me a role, which is based on Euston Road and seemed relatively normal and nice.

It’s for a good firm, with a little ego, with normal people and a reasonable pay package, good holiday allowance and extras attached (not that extras have ever bothered me before?).

I start next Monday.